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Polished black granite in the shape of an upright headstone with an arched top, is dedicated to the memory 26 men of the 26th Regiment Infantry U.S. Colored Troops who enlisted between 1863 and 1864 at the St. James A.M.E. Zion Church, Ithaca, NY.…

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The work depicts an abstracted human figure, arms outstretched above their head, broken chains hanging from each wrist. Both the frontal and posterior planes of the body are painted black, while the sides of the body are painted white. A geometric,…

The muscular, semi-nude figure looks resolutely forward as he raises a machete in his right hand and holds a long (sugar cane?) in his left. A shackle with a broken chain is still attached to his left wrist. The work was created to celebrate Gaspar…

Standing on a base made of stones of varied size and shape, the three women, the leaders of the Fireburn Revolt, face outward, forming a triangle. Dressed in floor-length dresses and aprons, each figure carries objects related to their resistance.…

The memorial, which overlooks the sea, commemorates both the enslaved people who perished in a shipwreck off the coast of Martinique in 1830, and more generally, the tens of thousands of enslaved Africans who were taken to Martinique as part of the…

A twelve‐foot‐high aluminum arch commemorates the thousands of Africans who perished during the transatlantic slave trade. Composed of two halves, which bend towards one another but never touch, the work symbolizes “the need for the past, present,…

The life-size bronze figure of Sojourner Truth stands at the center of a square granite base. Truth is shown bespectacled, wearing a period-appropriate head covering, long scarf, and floor-length dress. Her arms are open at her side, in an inviting…

Memorial to the 2nd Regiment Infantry_Fort Meyers_Full Length.JPG
The over life-sized work depicts a sergeant in the United States Colored Troops 2nd Regiment standing infront of an open gate within a wall. The soldier is framed by two granite plaques mounted on each wall. The plaque on the left is a description of…

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Erected as a space to remember the atrocities of slavery and to commemorate all past and present efforts to resist it, the memorial was constructed in the former center of the French slave trade, Nantes. Designed by an artist and an architect, the…

Located on Hillsdale College’s Liberty Walk, the bronze statue of Frederick Douglass is the first African American figure to be included on the Liberty Walk. The bearded Douglass clasps his hands around a book, his torso turning gently leftward as he…
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