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The stone obelisk, which stands on a square stone base, honors the memory of the 175 African American soldiers of the 56th United States Colored Infantry who died of cholera in August 1866. The soldiers were originally buried at the city's old…

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key west memorial.jpg
The bronze sculpture depicts a uniformed African American Union soldier holding a rifle, his right arm outstretched over his head.

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West Point Monument, Norfolk, Virginia.jpg
Atop a large square column of stone, the figure of the Norfolk native Sergeant William H. Carney of the 54th Massachusetts Volunteer Regiment is depicted, dressed in his military uniform. The base of the monument, built as a tribute to African…

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Hertford Monument.jpg
The memorial consists of a rectangular stone marker that comes to a point and sits atop a concrete base. The marker is engraved with text on two sides and is accompanied by a North Carolina Civil War Trails marker and informational placard.

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In Memory of More Than 400 Prominent United States Colored Troops from Kent County.jpg
The stone obelisk is dedicated to the memory of more than 400 colored trooped from Kent County, Maryland who served in the Union Army during the Civil War. In front of the obelisk is a stone bench.

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The memorial includes a stone tabletop supported by 300 bronze male and female African American figures, their arms raised over their heads as they collectively hold the weight of the tabletop. The differing dress of the figures-- some are shown in…

Sited on the tourist promenade of River Street, the work depicts a black family in contemporary dress. The father, mother, daughter, and son hold one another in a tight embrace as they stand on broken chains. Along the base of the work are engravings…

Five nude torsos of enslaved Africans emerge from stone pillars, whose rough and pebbled texture resemble the stones that fill the concrete pit that surround them. The five cast concrete figures, all but one of whom are chained around the neck, are…

Gilt of Cain sculpture by Michael Visocchi & Lemn Sissay 31052014 A (Copy).jpg
Located near St. Mary Woolnoth Church, where the abolitionist William Wilberforce heard the anti-slavery sermons of the Rev. John Newton, the monument consists of 17 carved granite columns clustered around a granite podium. The curvilinear forms of…

The over life-size bronze sculptural group depicts three figures, two men and one woman. As the title of the work, Desenkadena (unchained) suggests, the figures are breaking free from the chains that bind their wrists. The central figure is flanked…
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