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The island of Gorée was the site of one of the earliest European settlements in Western Africa and from the 15th to the 19th century, served as the largest slave-trading site on the African coast. Built in 1776, Maison des Esclaves, was a detention…

Seated in simple wooden chairs, Frederick Douglass and Susan B. Anthony engage in conversation over tea. On a table between them sits a tea pot, to tea cups and saucers, and two books. Douglass leans forward, his gaze cast slightly downward,…

The bronze sculpture depicts a man, clad only in torn shorts, kneeling on his right leg. His left leg is outstretched behind him, a broken iron chain lays on the ground around his left foot. He arches his torso back as he holds a conch shell to his…

Located on the sandy shores of Ouidah, Benin, the monumental concrete red, white, and yellow-painted gate and the metallic sculptures that flank it, commemorate the horrors of the Transatlantic Slave Trade. The memorial gate, which marks the point…
Facing the Caribbean Ocean, the work consists of eight abstracted forms, some of which are rectilinear, and geometrize and others more curvilinear, with rounded organic forms. The bronze figures are embellished with symbols, which according to the…

Preston Jackson‘s monumental bronze and stainless steelKnockin’ on Freedom’s Door is located on the site of the former Pettengill House in Peoria, an important station on the Underground Railroad. The work features multiple bronze sculptural groups…

Kentucky African American Civil War Memorial.jpg
The ten-foot limestone pillar was dedicated to 142 African American Soldiers from Franklin County, Kentucky who fought in the Civil War.

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A concrete four-pointed star serves as the sculpture’s plinth. Three brick and concrete walls form a niche, which viewers are invited to physically occupy. Affixed to the brick walls, the niche contains bronze plaques explaining the history of Jerry…

The museum, located on Liverpool’s Albert Docks, is close to the dry docks where 18th-century slave trading ships were repaired and fitted out. According to the museum’s director, David Fleming:“Our vision is to create a major new International…

In Memory of More Than 400 Prominent United States Colored Troops from Kent County.jpg
The stone obelisk is dedicated to the memory of more than 400 colored trooped from Kent County, Maryland who served in the Union Army during the Civil War. In front of the obelisk is a stone bench.

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