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Seated in simple wooden chairs, Frederick Douglass and Susan B. Anthony engage in conversation over tea. On a table between them sits a tea pot, to tea cups and saucers, and two books. Douglass leans forward, his gaze cast slightly downward,…

The ten-foot-tall bronze statue of a young Frederick Douglass casts his gaze forward and ever-so-slightly downward toward an imagined viewer. Standing squarely forward, Douglass' left knee is slightly raised as if he were on the verge of walking off…

To mark the bicentennial of Frederick Douglass’ birth, the City of Rochester, NY, commissioned Olivia Kim to create thirteen live-size portraits of Douglass, placing them throughout the city at sites significant to Douglass’s life and work. Kim took…

Sculptor Stanley W. Edwards modeled Douglass with his shoulders back, feet planted squarely forward, and his arms outstretched with his palms open as if he were addressing an audience. Mounted on the statue's pedestal are four bronze plaques, three…

A life-size sculpture of the abolitionist Frederick Douglass stands atop the staircase at the West 77th Street entrance to the New-York Historical Society. Douglass gazes forward, holding a pair of books in his left hand, while his right arm rests…

Caught mid-stride, the over life-size bronze statue of Frederick Douglass stands in front of Holmes Hall on the campus of Morgan State University, a historically black university in Baltimore, MD. The bearded Douglass holds a cane in his right hand…

Located on Hillsdale College’s Liberty Walk, the bronze statue of Frederick Douglass is the first African American figure to be included on the Liberty Walk. The bearded Douglass clasps his hands around a book, his torso turning gently leftward as he…

The six-foot-tall bronze head of an elder Frederick Douglass is located in the Frederick Douglass-Isaac Myers Maritime Park in Baltimore’s southeastern waterfront. The textured and rough surface of Robinson’s work creates a sense of movement as light…

Full-size sculpture of Frederick Douglass portrays him in the middle of a speech, with one arm outstretched, and a copy of his autobiography under the other arm. His coat/cape billows out behind him in a swath of bronze.

Standing to the right of a lectern, Gabriel Koren modeled Frederick Douglass is depicted as an elder statesman, with a furrowed brow and a deeply lined face. Resting his right hand atop the lectern, Douglass’ mouth is closed as he stares resolutely…
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