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A life-size sculpture of the abolitionist Frederick Douglass stands atop the staircase at the West 77th Street entrance to the New-York Historical Society. Douglass gazes forward, holding a pair of books in his left hand, while his right arm rests…

Standing to the right of a lectern, Gabriel Koren modeled Frederick Douglass is depicted as an elder statesman, with a furrowed brow and a deeply lined face. Resting his right hand atop the lectern, Douglass’ mouth is closed as he stares resolutely…

The memorial sits on .35 acres and includes seven distinct design features: Wall of Remembrance, Ancestral Re-Interment Grove, Memorial Wall, The Ancestral Chamber, Circle of the Diaspora, Spiral Processional Ramp, and The Ancestral Libation…

Over-life size portrait sculpture of Harriet Tubman. Signed by the artist: A. Saar, 2006. Foundry stamp: DS/Decker Studios.
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