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The bronze torsos of two abstracted figures, engaged in a tight embrace, emerge from a rectangular bronze base. Unlike its Liverpudlian counterpart, this work includes the addition of bronze low-relief designs, reflecting images related to the slave…

The iron torsos of two abstracted figures, engaged in a tight embrace, emerge from a rectangular iron base. Two other identical sculptures were erected in 1989 in Belfast, Northern Ireland and Glasgow, Scotland. According to the artist, the works…

The Art of Return asks visitors to reflect upon the legacy of the slave trade and the persistent problems of racism and bigotry. The ark includes three principal design elements. According to the artist: “The first element is a three-dimensional map…

The memorial sits on .35 acres and includes seven distinct design features: Wall of Remembrance, Ancestral Re-Interment Grove, Memorial Wall, The Ancestral Chamber, Circle of the Diaspora, Spiral Processional Ramp, and The Ancestral Libation…

A twelve‐foot‐high aluminum arch commemorates the thousands of Africans who perished during the transatlantic slave trade. Composed of two halves, which bend towards one another but never touch, the work symbolizes “the need for the past, present,…

The monumental work includes two bronze walls featuring figural scenes celebrating 400 years of African Americans’ contributions to Texas history. Decorated on both front and back, Dwight includes depictions of African Americans engaged in the…

Two semicircular gray granite walls, inlaid with twelve bronze panels illustrating 300 years of African American history, frame an obelisk and pedestal. The twelve scenes of African American history include images of the Middle Passage, an African…

Preston Jackson‘s monumental bronze and stainless steelKnockin’ on Freedom’s Door is located on the site of the former Pettengill House in Peoria, an important station on the Underground Railroad. The work features multiple bronze sculptural groups…

Eight life-size bronze statues (in six groupings) commemorate the formerly enslaved persons who escaped from the South and sought safety and freedom behind Union lines at the Corinth Contraband Camp in Corinth, Mississippi. Established by Union…

The memorial is located in the Freedman Cemetery in Dallas, Texas. Established in 1861, it is one of the largest Freedman's cemeteries in the country. A Texas Red granite archway marks the entrance to the memorial. Two niches, located on either side…
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